A Brighter Smile, Safely: How Often Is Too Often with At-Home Teeth Whitening?

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nelsondentalcare @ 4:51 pm
A woman smiling as she prepares to use her store-bought teeth whitening kit

Many people want a brighter smile, especially in today’s attention-grabbing, social media-fueled landscape. There are hundreds of different teeth whitening products on the market and readily available right now. While that’s great for people who want to try out the treatment, the temptation to use them frequently is common. But, is it safe to use these products too often?

If you want to learn more about teeth whitening treatments and their safety, continue reading.

Why Do People Like At-Home Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening kits you find at the store promise fast, convenient results, making them a popular choice for at-home use. The cost for entry on these kits is also very low compared to a professional treatment.

People also like convenience, which take-home teeth whitening delivers. Depending on the system, you may only be using the product for a couple of weeks. Additionally, you can do the treatment from the comfort of your own home.

What’s Wrong with Store-Bought Treatments?

While there’s nothing “wrong” with these kits, over-the-counter treatments simply aren’t as strong as the professional versions. They have the same whitening ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, but the concentration isn’t as strong as what dentists use. 

Because of this, over-the-counter kits don’t offer great results, and the treatment doesn’t last long. This lack of results often leads people to use the chemicals more frequently to keep their smiles bright. This can lead to some complications.

What Can Excessive At-Home Teeth Whitening Do to Your Teeth?

Increased tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, and uneven whitening are all problems that frequent users of over-the-counter teeth whitening can expect. To avoid these, stick to the recommended usage on the packaging. While you’re reading the box, try to see if your chosen treatment has the ADA seal on it. This indicates that the product has been inspected for safety and cleared for use by the American Dental Association.

At-home teeth whitening is convenient and inexpensive, but as with most things, you get what you pay for. Professional treatments are more expensive, but you’ll enjoy the results for months or years with proper care. Best of all, some dentists offer in-office treatments that can be done in minutes. If you’re interested, contact your dentist about a teeth whitening consultation.

About the Author

Dr. James Nelson believes in the confidence-boosting power of healthy teeth. He has dedicated his life to restoring and enhancing the smiles of his patients with modern dental technology and techniques. Dr. Nelson earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry in New Orleans. Since then, he has continued to improve his skills through continuing education and multiple professional organizations. Call (504) 887-3311 to schedule a teeth whitening treatment at Nelson Dental Care, or visit the website to explore other services.